Jess and I perused the gift shop (ahem,
exited through the gift shop) after spending some time at the Whitney Museum this afternoon, and came across a terrific surprise:
Keel's Simple Diary. Jess, her mom (Coleen) and I quickly decided that we couldn't live without our own, and took home copies in royal blue, orange and yellow, respectively. (The diary's author--that's strange oxymoron--Philipp Keel, has a lot to say about why people choose the color that they do.) For each day, the Simple Diary asks you to chose from three descriptions that best complete the sentence, "Your day was (
only chose one)." For example, a. a lettuce, b. an ostrich, or c. a bonus. You can see how this keeps things much more interesting than your typical diary. In the intro, Keel writes that "there are three reasons why most people, although they have tried, wont keep a diary: 1. Not every day is very eventful. 2. It actually takes a lot of discipline (regarding 1 even more so). 3. In retrospect, many find what they have written quite embarrassing." His version, as you will see below, has a completely different take on recording the day's events (not to mention a fantastically-creative use of adjectives). Sadly, tonight marked the end of Jess's NYC visit, so we've agreed to use the diaries as a way to stay connected. I'll do my best to post our entries here from time to time, for comparison, and with as little editing as I can manage. To kick off our little experiment, the three of us filled out our first pages tonight after dinner...


Coleen (aka Mama Petrey)